The ‘Break-Up’ Workout – Get your NEW HOT BODY!

Break-ups are hard, and let’s face it, unless you live a completely mundane life, in which you don’t ever open up to another human, chances are we’ve all had our hearts broken, it’s part of life, and if you haven’t yet, I highly recommend it. As hard as it is to go through a break up, I think they ultimately make us stronger and serve us some of the best life lessons.

If you are reading this, chances are you know what I’m talking about, or know someone who is going through it. Break—ups often lead to one if not more of the following: eating everything in sight for comfort, too many cocktails in ‘mourning’ of the loss or in ‘celebration’ of a new road ahead, a complete abandonment of your workout regimen!

But I’m here to tell you, a strong workout is one of the BEST cures for a break-up, not only will it get your endorphins flowing and sweat out a lot of the negative and depressed energy, but getting into your best shape is probably the sweetest revenge, not to mention that you’ll be looking and feeling more confident as you begin to strut your stuff and put yourself back out there.

I’m asking you PLEASE don’t fall victim of the frumpy sweatpants with the ever-expanding waistline. PUT the ice cream down, get up off that couch and get fierce.

Here is your Bounceback From Breakup Workout: 

It is total body, it is cardio, it is strength, it will blast fat and TORCH calories – let’s do it!

What to do: The below 8 Exercises. Equal 1 round. The goal is to complete 2 rounds consecutively, then break for a minute and repeat 2 more times. RECORD how long it takes you and leave your time in the comment section below the video HERE!

The Workout:

  • Lunge to Front Kick – left  20 reps
  • Hand Stand Double Kicks – 10 reps
  • Lunge to Front Kick – right  20 reps
  • Around the World Squat Jumps (squat in all 4 directions – with jump switch in between)- 20 reps
  • Oblique Crunches – with alternate leg elevated – 20 each side
  • Side Pulse kicks - left - 20  reps
  • Bridge Ups – 20 reps
  • Side Pulse Kicks – right - 20 reps

You’re DONE! How are you feeling? As hard as it was to start, you’ve GOT to be feeling better than when you started! Don’t forget to record your time, and keep coming back to it, improve your time as you get leaner, fitter and more toned!

So next time you feel like coming home to crawl into bed (or the fridge), open up a new workout instead, it will change your body and your mind!

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