The ’20-20’ Interval Vacation Workout
This is one of my all time favorite workouts to do wherever I am – it’s incredible at breeding quick results, achieving an endorphin high and getting you outside and seeing a new place or enjoying an existing one. Unfortunately after my injury the idea of running was taken off the table (which was my favorite way to perform this workout), but now I’m happy to say that there are occasions when I CAN break out for a run, just not that frequently, so I save it for special occasions.
If you ARE blessed with the physical ability to run, I recommend trying this SUPER BURN cardio workout while running through the beautiful place you take your vacation, on the beach (extra tough) or your very own neighborhood.
If you’re like me and plagued by some sort of injury that keeps you from running, pick a different form of cardio, I’ve done this workout swimming in the ocean, running in the pool, on a bike (bump it up to 30 intervals if you’re on a bike) or power walking. This is an excellent way to see a new place, and for me, it’s the time I truly get to appreciate and enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the Hamptons.
The Concept:
To work as hard as you can for 20 seconds (think sprinting, you really want to get breathless by the end of EVERY interval), then do an active recovery for 20 seconds. If you are running your active recovery is a jog.
If this is your first time through this workout, you should be intense enough that it should be HARD to get through all 20 intervals and that’s OK (the more intense the person, the - the idea is to keep coming back to it – watch yourself get faster, fitter, leaner, stronger!
Like all my ARfit workouts, it can be intense, but only YOU will have the power over just how intense it can be – so if nothing is stopping you, give it everything you’ve got!
What you need:
Stopwatch or Timer (I recommend Gymboss, so you can set it to beep every 20 seconds)
Anything you need for your form of cardio (running=sneakers, biking= a bike….you get the idea)
And if you want to rock some hot workout clothing while you do it – check out Splits 59 – the hottest, highest quality brand out there! Order now and use my promo code ARWORKOUT to receive 10% off!
The Workout:
- 5-7 Min Warm-UP
- 20 seconds ‘ON’ (Hard-Moderate- Hard Effort)
- 20 seconds ‘OFF’ (Recovery)
- x 20 repeats
- 5-7 min Cool-Down
Definition of Exertion Levels:
Hard Moderate (HM): HR: 80%-90% of Max. Pace fast and a bit uncomfortable; breathing forceful. Improve anaerobic capacity and threshold, improved speed
Hard (H):HR: 90%-100% of Maximum Pace, a sprinting effort, unsustainable for long period of time;labored breathing. Builds anaerobic and muscular endurance, increased power.
Recovery: Heart Rate (HR) comes back down. Perceived Exertion: Relaxed, getting your breathing back. Keep legs spinning but take speed and any resistance off the bike
And if you ant the BEST pre and post-workout snack for this workout I highly recommend ordering a few boxes of Chia Bars – they have great flavors and boast only 100 calories of pure natural energy!
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