Lower Body Reps Challenge

Sleek, Svelte and sexy legs, how does that sound? Well, I have good news and bad news, the triple ‘S’ CAN absolutely be achieved no matter how close or far you think you are to those dream legs. So let’s start with the truth (aka the bad news for some), which is, there is no magic, easy answer. In order to get the worthwhile results, you’re going to have to put in the effort, get uncomfortable, be dedicated and go for it. I have the guide, you just need to actually follow through.

If you identify with any of the below categories this workout is for you:

Athlete: If you’re an athlete, this routine will help build your strength and stamina, YES runners, this work can and should be incorporated into your training (I say runners, because I know how resistant to strength training runners can be, but as a former competitive runner, trust me ----TRY THIS)!

The Beginner Looking to Get in Shape or Drop a Few Pounds: Take this workout at your own pace, the first time, you may not be able to get through even half the number of suggested reps, but don’t get discouraged, we ALL have to star somewhere, and I promise, if you keep coming back to it, not only will you be able to do more and more, you’ll see and fee your body respond to the exercise and shape up.

The Recreational Exerciser Looking to Go from Good to Great and Break through ANY Plateau:You lower body houses some of the biggest muscles in your body, so working them enables you to get double ‘bang for your buck’, if I do say so. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn even in a rested state. So even if you exercise almost everyday, and feel like you just can’t seem to break through a plateau, I guarantee a workout like this thrown in 3 times per week will shock your body and rock your metabolism, with the changes coming faster than you thought possible!

No matter if you’re an elite athlete, a beginner or the average 9-5’er seeking to look as though you don’t sit behind a desk all day, this workout is crucial to success!

So I challenge YOU, jump into this workout and while you’re at it, challenge your office mates, or fellow athletes, school kids, gym class to do it too!

What To Do: Do one round through (320 reps total) as fast as you can and let me know your time!

The Workout:

  • 25 squats
  • 25 squat bounces (hands together in front of your body, bouncing up off your toes—you don’t need to bounce high!)
  • 25 squat jumps (hands reach down to the floor, then up toward the ceiling)
  • 25 squat jacks
  • 30 alternating front lunges
  • 20 alternating curtsy squats
  • 30 jumping lunges (each leg forward is 1 rep)
  • 20 (10 per leg) propulsion lunges
  • 20 of each: right leg backward pulses, right leg side pulses, right knee front pulses, left leg backward pulses, left leg side pulses, and left knee front pulses
I learned this workout from a great friend of mine who runs an amazing blog called Strength and Sweat: Check it out here: http://strengthandsweat.wordpress.com/2012/05/07/motivation-monday-49/ 

You’re Done! Are your legs shaking? I want to know! Pour it out to me via FACEBOOK, TWITTER, My Website – or comments below my videos.

Now you have NO EXCUSES about time or getting to the gym because this won’t take long and you don’t need any equipment.

And don’t forget, exercise is only part of the equation, you MUST balance this with an efficient workout plan and healthy, waistline-friendly diet.  Due to all the questions I have released my 14 Day Diet and Fitness Program for YOU! 14 Days of what I do to get into the top shape whether for an event or to simply get back on track after too many days of over-indulging.

  • Check it out HERE – I would love to see YOU as the next Testimonial!

