Egg & Honey Face Mask

by Amanda Russell

It’s time to start prepping your skin for the long dry winter months. After lots of time in the sun over the spring, summer and even fall, your skin is oten left dry, with clogged pores and in desperate need of nutrients to give it that healthy glow all winter long. i

HERE IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE HOME RECIPES! Super Simple, inexpensive (take that fancy luxury salons) AND will add vital nutrients back into your skin just as well as any store bought or spa mask.

**This mask is great for clogged pores, redness, dryness and overly sun exposed skin. Go no further than your own refrigerator for the ingredients!


  • Take One Egg and separate the egg yolk from the egg?whites, throw the yolk away and place egg whites in a bowl.
  • Take 2 Large spoonful of Organic Honey and add them to the egg whites.

Mix the honey and the egg whites well until the honey gets?completely blended into the egg whites and the mixture becomes thick and foamy (I recommend an electric mixer).


  • Apply to face concentrating the mixture around the nose, cheeks and forehead.
  • After mask is completely dry wash with warm water and finish with a strong moisturizer.

The mask works completely organically; eggs are full of nutrients that are great for the skin and as the egg whites dry they tighten and suck out any bad oil and dirt from your pores.  Overall, egg whites tighten pores, reduce redness and bumps, reduce acne, brighten the skin and help balance oil.  Organic Honey also adds great nutrients to the skin, softens and moisturizes and best of all has natural antibacterial properties to help fight acne and any bacteria in pores.

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