Introducing my EXCLUSIVE 14 Day Shape Up Plan

By Amanda Russell
A Personal Fitness & Nutrition Plan Designed for You!
It’s been an incredible journey with each and every one of you this past year and I’ve been absolutely touched by the stories people have shared with me along the way. Helping YOU achieve your personal fitness goals and making YOU the best YOU can be is something I truly believe in.
Hundreds of messages pour in weekly from my amazing audience seeking personal training and nutrition tips, and in a limitless world, I would love to work with each of you individually.
So I asked myself, “how could I help thousands of fans achieve their fitness goals all at once?”
Answer: The 14 Day Shape Up Plan.
What's the 14 Day Plan All About?
I’ve taken the MOST effective ARfit workouts from and added a step-by-step meal plan – recipes included!
With this plan, you will get 2 FULL WEEKS of workouts and meal plans that you can take with you anywhere, anytime! I use this plan when I need to get ready for a big event, OR if I’ve just fallen off the wagon and need to get back on track!
These 14 days will fuel your body with whole, clean, unprocessed nutrient dense foods, paired with convenient high-intensity workouts that will rev up your metabolism, shedding off any unwanted pounds and tone and tighten your body, leaving you completely revitalized!
For only $139 you will receive:
- 14 days of Workouts (with instructional videos to lead the way)
- 14 days of EASY and delicious 3 course meals + 2-3 snack options per day
- LIST of foods to enjoy – and avoid during the 14 Day period
- Exclusive discount codes with ARfit sponsors (including my favorite fitness clothing Splits 59 )
- Support, guidance and motivation from me! (yes, I'll be checking in on you!)
- BONUS: Purchase NOW and receive a FREE Shipment of Chobani Greek Yogurt delivered directly to your home.
Your journey to a leaner, healthier and better you is just an email away!
To start this program and/or receive more info please email us [email protected] with the message '14 Day Plan'
Let's begin this journey together.